This vignette illustrates how to perform allele specific copy number inference with DLP+ data. However the method should be generally applicable to any single cell copy number method. The input requirements are discussed below.
The data needed to perform the allele specific copy number inference are binned copy number data and cell specific haplotype calls. The copy number data and the haplotype data should use the same bins.
A small test data set of 250 cells is provided with the package, we’ll load this data and inspect these 2 dataframe.
#> chr start end reads copy state cell_id
#> 1 1 2000001 2500000 536 2.960868 2 SA921-A90554A-R03-C44
#> 2 1 3000001 3500000 499 2.603584 2 SA921-A90554A-R03-C44
#> 3 1 4000001 4500000 569 2.216388 2 SA921-A90554A-R03-C44
#> 4 1 4500001 5000000 524 2.039672 2 SA921-A90554A-R03-C44
#> 5 1 5000001 5500000 576 2.210792 2 SA921-A90554A-R03-C44
#> 6 1 5500001 6000000 516 2.028686 2 SA921-A90554A-R03-C44
The haplotype data comes in long format, but the package requires
data in wide format so we will use the helper function
to convert the data to the correct
format, this function will also remove any bins present in the
haplotypes data frame that is not present in the CNbins data frame.
haplotypes <- format_haplotypes_dlp(haplotypes, CNbins)
#> cell_id chr start end hap_label allele1 allele0
#> 1 SA1090-A96213A-R20-C13 1 2000001 2500000 101 0 3
#> 2 SA1090-A96213A-R20-C13 1 2000001 2500000 104 0 1
#> 3 SA1090-A96213A-R20-C13 1 2000001 2500000 106 0 3
#> 4 SA1090-A96213A-R20-C13 1 2000001 2500000 108 0 4
#> 5 SA1090-A96213A-R20-C13 1 2000001 2500000 112 0 15
#> 6 SA1090-A96213A-R20-C13 1 2000001 2500000 113 0 1
#> totalcounts
#> 1 3
#> 2 1
#> 3 3
#> 4 4
#> 5 15
#> 6 1
The output of signals
is allele specific states per bin.
has 2 options to perform this inference, the first,
, infers allele specific states using
mirrored B allele frequencies as is typically done in bulk whole genome
sequencing. This infers states of the form A|B
B < A
. The second option,
takes into account the possibility
that different alleles may be lost or gained in different cells. In
order to identify these events, signals
clusters cells and
infers the haplotype phase based on regions within clusters that have
large allelic imbalance. The output for this method therefore allows for
. We would generally recommend using
as this is more informative, so
this vignette largely focuses on this option.
works in a similar way.
hscn <- callHaplotypeSpecificCN(CNbins, haplotypes)
#> Error in get(paste0(generic, ".", class), envir = get_method_env()) :
#> object 'type_sum.accel' not found
#> VGLM linear loop 1 : loglikelihood = -313387.1605
#> VGLM linear loop 2 : loglikelihood = -309515.5822
#> VGLM linear loop 3 : loglikelihood = -308986.7749
#> VGLM linear loop 4 : loglikelihood = -308962.6387
#> VGLM linear loop 5 : loglikelihood = -308962.287
#> VGLM linear loop 6 : loglikelihood = -308962.2838
#> VGLM linear loop 7 : loglikelihood = -308962.2838
As a sanity check we can plot the B allele frequency (BAF) as a function of inferred state. We would expect to see a distribution around the expected value which is exactly what we see below.
plotBAFperstate(hscn, maxstate = 10)
Now we can plot the copy number heatmaps. First we’ll plot the
heatmap based on copy number states. We can provide the
function with a tree in newick format to plot
an ordered heatmap and/or a dataframe with cluster assignments. By
default the plotHeatmap
function does some clustering using
hdbscan if neither of these is provided.
cl <- umap_clustering(hscn$data)
plotcol = "state",
clusters = cl$clustering,
tree = cl$tree,
reorderclusters = TRUE, #order according to tree
plottree = FALSE) #do not plot the tree but keep the ordering )
Now we can plot some heatmaps to visualize the allele specific state. This heatmap plots the B allele copy number state.
plotHeatmap(hscn, plotcol = "B",
clusters = cl$clustering,
tree = cl$tree,
reorderclusters = TRUE, #order according to tree
plottree = FALSE) #do not plot the tree but keep the ordering )
Discrete representation of allelic imbalance:
plotcol = "state_phase",
clusters = cl$clustering,
tree = cl$tree,
reorderclusters = TRUE, #order according to tree
plottree = FALSE) #do not plot the tree but keep the ordering )
There are also some function to plot per cell BAF and state plots. You can specify a cell, or the default will take the first cell in the data frame.
plotCNprofileBAF(hscn, cellid = "SA921-A90554A-R03-C44")
Here we’ll plot an equivalent plot merging data across cell clusters
using the utility function consensyscopynumber
. Here, the
column becomes the clone_id
consensus_clusters <- consensuscopynumber(hscn$data, cl = cl$clustering)
plotCNprofileBAF(consensus_clusters, cellid = "A")
The object returned by the inference function is of type
, if you want to pull out the data to use in your own
scripts you can just do hscn$data
. This will return a
similar to the input data frames but with
additional columns specifying the allele specific states.