

Although this package was put together to infer allele or haplotype specific copy number in scDNAseq data, it has a lot of methods for visualization and analysis that should be useful for any type of scDNAseq data, including when you only have total copy number calls. Here we’ll go through the available plotting functions and various utilities to summarize the data.

Data input

The main requirement is a dataframe with the following columns: chr, start, end, cell_id, state, copy. state is the inferred total copy number state. copy values are GC-correceted, ploidy corrected normalized read counts that would be used to infer the states. This may difer depending on the tool you use. We provide some example data (CNbins) with this package. Most functions will work with either this kind of dataframe or a signals object, here we’ll just use the CNbins dataframe.


Single cell profiles

The first thing we can do is plot single cell copy number profiles.

plotCNprofile(CNbins, cellid = "SA921-A90554A-R03-C44")
#> Error in get(paste0(generic, ".", class), envir = get_method_env()) : 
#>   object 'type_sum.accel' not found

These can tweaked in various ways, including modifying the y-axis, only plotting certain chromosomes or changing the point size etc:

plotCNprofile(CNbins, cellid = "SA921-A90554A-R03-C44", y_axis_trans = "squashy", maxCN = 25, chrfilt = c("6", "7", "8"), pointsize = 2)

We can also plot all the cells using the plotHeatmap function. This can optionally take in a phylogenetic/clustering tree in newick format. If you don’t have this you can use the umap_clustering function to cluster your data using umap and hdbscan.

clustering <- umap_clustering(CNbins, field = "copy")


Then we can use this output in the plotHeatmap function. If you leave the tree and clustering options empty then plotHeatmap will fall back to use umap_clustering.

plotHeatmap(CNbins, tree = clustering$tree, clusters = clustering$clustering)

The default is to plot the state column, we can change this to plot the copy raw data column.

plotHeatmap(CNbins, tree = clustering$tree, clusters = clustering$clustering, show_clone_label = F, plotcol = "copy")


Compute consensus copy number profiles.

CNbins_consensus <- consensuscopynumber(CNbins, cl = clustering$clustering) #cell_id becomes clone_id


Create segmentation from binned data.

segments <- create_segments(CNbins)

Compute average copy number per chromosome or chromosome arm.

CNbins_chr <- per_chr_cn(CNbins)

CNbins_arm <- per_chrarm_cn(CNbins)