This vignette demonstrates how to use a beta-binomial model instead of a binomial model for the HMM emission model.
haplotypes <- format_haplotypes_dlp(haplotypes, CNbins)
hscn <- callHaplotypeSpecificCN(CNbins, haplotypes, likelihood = "binomial")
#> Error in get(paste0(generic, ".", class), envir = get_method_env()) :
#> object 'type_sum.accel' not found
#> Haplotype specific copy number object
#> Number of cells: 250
#> Bin size: 0.5 Mb
#> Inferred LOH error rate: 0.018
#> Emission model for HMM: binomial
#> Average distance from median to expected BAF = 0.0025
#> Average ploidy = 4
#> Average number of segments = 79
hscn_bb <- callHaplotypeSpecificCN(CNbins, haplotypes, likelihood = "betabinomial")
#> VGLM linear loop 1 : loglikelihood = -313153.5548
#> VGLM linear loop 2 : loglikelihood = -309219.4605
#> VGLM linear loop 3 : loglikelihood = -308675.2147
#> VGLM linear loop 4 : loglikelihood = -308650.0018
#> VGLM linear loop 5 : loglikelihood = -308649.6334
#> VGLM linear loop 6 : loglikelihood = -308649.6301
#> VGLM linear loop 7 : loglikelihood = -308649.6301
#> Haplotype specific copy number object
#> Number of cells: 250
#> Bin size: 0.5 Mb
#> Inferred LOH error rate: 0.018
#> Emission model for HMM: betabinomial
#> Inferred over dispersion: 0.0097
#> Tarones Z score: 182.22
#> Average distance from median to expected BAF = 0.0026
#> Average ploidy = 4
#> Average number of segments = 79
We see that the model inferred a modest degree of overdispersion in the data, but that this was siginificantly different from 0 dispersion (Tarones Z-score is high).
Below I’ll plot the heatmaps for the two output, which in this case are very similar.
To interrogate the difference between the binomial and beta-binomial models we can plot the BAF and overlay the two models.
We can check how similar the results are by comparing the two dataframes. We find for this data that the results are very similar.
#> [1] 1090750 20
#> [1] 1090750 20
all.equal(orderdf(hscn$data), orderdf(hscn_bb$data))
#> [1] "Component \"alleleA\": 'is.NA' value mismatch: 14542 in current 14544 in target"
#> [2] "Component \"alleleB\": 'is.NA' value mismatch: 14542 in current 14544 in target"
#> [3] "Component \"totalcounts\": 'is.NA' value mismatch: 14542 in current 14544 in target"
#> [4] "Component \"BAF\": 'is.NA' value mismatch: 14542 in current 14544 in target"
#> [5] "Component \"state_min\": Mean relative difference: 0.6081683"
#> [6] "Component \"A\": Mean relative difference: 0.6313584"
#> [7] "Component \"B\": Mean relative difference: 0.641918"
#> [8] "Component \"state_AS_phased\": 33293 string mismatches"
#> [9] "Component \"state_AS\": 2828 string mismatches"
#> [10] "Component \"LOH\": 1821 string mismatches"
#> [11] "Component \"phase\": 30305 string mismatches"
#> [12] "Component \"state_phase\": 31273 string mismatches"
#> [13] "Component \"state_BAF\": Mean relative difference: 0.8458283"
Another thing we can check is the total number of segments identified by the HMM. Using the beta-binomial model should reduce the influence of any noisy regions and thus we might expect fewer segments. We do observe fewer segments in the beta-binomial model.