Call allele specific copy number in single cell datasets
eps = 1e-12,
loherror = 0.02,
maxCN = NULL,
selftransitionprob = 0.95,
progressbar = TRUE,
ncores = 1,
likelihood = "binomial",
minbins = 100,
minbinschr = 10,
maxloherror = 0.03,
filterhaplotypes = 0.1,
fillmissing = TRUE
single cell copy number dataframe with the following columns: `cell_id`, `chr`, `start`, `end`, `state`, `copy`
single cell haplotypes dataframe with the following columns: `cell_id`, `chr`, `start`, `end`, `hap_label`, `allele1`, `allele0`, `totalcounts`
default 1e-12
LOH error rate for initial assignment, this is inferred directly from the data in the second pass, default = 0.02
maximum copy number to infer allele specific states, default=NULL which will use the maximum state from CNbins
probability to stay in the same state in the HMM, default = 0.999, set to 0.0 for an IID model
Boolean to display progressbar or not, default = TRUE, will only show if ncores == 1
Number of cores to use, default = 1
Likelihood model for HMM, default is `binomial`, other option is `betabinomial` or use `auto` and the algorithm will choose the likelihood that best fits the data.
Minimum number of bins containing both haplotype counts and copy number data for a cell to be included
Minimum number of bins containing both haplotype counts and copy number data per chromosome for a cell to be included
Maximum value for LOH error rate
filter out haplotypes present in less than X fraction, default is 0.1
For bins with missing counts fill in values based on neighbouring bins
allele specific copy number object which includes dataframe similar to input with additional columns which include
* `A` A allele copy number * `B` B allele copy number * `state_AS_phased` A|B * `state_min` Minor allele copy number * `LOH` =LOH if bin is LOH, NO otherwise * `state_phase` Discretized haplotype specific states * `phase` Whether the A allele or B allele is dominant * `alleleA` Counts for the A allele * `alleleB` Counts for the B allele * `totalcounts` Total number of counts * `BAF` B-allele frequency (alleleB / totalcounts)
In the allele specific copy number inference A is always > B and state_AS_phased == state_AS